Remote Job Finders


You do have questions, we’re answering those with solid explanations. 

RJF will be a profitable business in future. Soon more people will start to rely on remote job concepts to make the world a better place for living. And, RJF can lead this revolution with its unique business model and concept.

Employers have to signup in order to post new remote jobs. You can then post your new remote jobs by the approval of our support team.

Just signup through our Registration page and start posting or applying the new remote jobs.


We’re offering remote job posting and application opportunities for the employers and employees.
At the initial stage, we aren’t charging any subscription fee. After the establishment, we’ll charge $50 dollars to the employers/companies to post their remote jobs on our site. Currently, we don’t have any plan to impose a subscription fee on the remote job seekers who’re willing to apply for their desired jobs from our site.

At the initial stage, employers can post their jobs ads for free on our site. Later, we’ll start to charge $50 for per job post for one month. For two months, it’ll be $80 for per job post. And, for three months, it’ll be $100 for per job post. However, we don’t charge any money to open account in our website as a job seeker or employer. Job seeker can signup and apply their desired jobs without paying us a single penny.

We do accept most of the remote jobs based on the relevant categories. But we don’t accept and publish any job that is related with  any of these issues like prostitution, child labor, drug-trafficking, drug dealing, terrorism, bullying, racism, sex-working and human/ animal abusing etc. We are also committed to band these sorts of employers who try to post these sorts illegal jobs on our site.  Please be aware before posting these kinds of remote jobs at our site.  

We do appreciate to post non-profit organization remote jobs on our site. You need to pay $25 only to post this type of organization’s job for a month.

Maintaining privacy is the prime concern at our organization. We always secure the data, information of our users and don’t share these with the third-part by any means

Obviously, we’re happy to give you the opportunity to come and post your remote jobs at our site from any corner of the world. Realizing the economic conditions of the different parts of the world, we’re offering you industry’s cheapest price to post your new remote job at our site.   

Contact Us For More Answers [email protected]

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